
Olive Oil Homemade Mayonnaise: A Creamier, Healthier Spread

Did you know you can very easily make mayonnaise at home? Using olive oil makes it healthier and some say creamier. Say goodbye to store-bought mayo. Discover the joy of homemade mayonnaise.

Creamy homemade olive oil mayonnaise in a glass jug with a hand blender being taken out

Key Takeaways

  • Homemade mayonnaise made with olive oil is a healthy alternative to store-bought mayo.
  • Making your own mayo allows for customisation and freshness.
  • Whole eggs and essential ingredients are key to achieving the perfect blend.
  • Olive oil (but not extra virgin) plays a crucial role in homemade mayonnaise, providing health benefits and enhancing the taste.
  • Seasoning your mayo with fresh herbs and spices can elevate the flavour.

Introduction to Homemade Mayonnaise

Many people love mayonnaise for its ability to enhance dishes. I think it’s the combination of creamy fat with a good amount of acid to cut through that fat. Making it at home has lots of benefits. We will look at the perks of homemade mayo and how it’s better than store-bought ones.

When you make mayo at home, you control what goes in it. Store-bought versions often have additives, preservatives and low quality oil. With homemade mayo, you use fresh, high-quality ingredients for a healthier choice.

“There’s nothing quite like the taste of homemade mayonnaise. It’s fresher, creamier, and packed with flavor.”

Homemade mayo stands out for its versatility. The taste of store-bought mayo can be basic. But at home, you can make your mayo just how you like it. Try different flavors to find your favorite.

The Simplicity of Making Homemade Mayonnaise

Homemade mayonnaise is delicious and incredibly easy to make. You just need a few ingredients. Then, follow a simple process (I like the stick blender method) to make creamy mayo. We will discuss whole eggs, essential ingredients, and my preferred method.

Benefits of Using Whole Eggs

Using whole eggs in mayo has many benefits. They make mayo rich and silky. Whole eggs also make your mayo stay together. Plus, they add a lovely gold colour.

My people think you should only use egg yolks because that’s where the emulsifiers (lecithoprotein) are that will bring together the fat and water.

But it seems few people know that egg white also contains an emulsifier in the albumin. It’s even possible to make mayo only with the egg whites. I find using a whole egg leads to less waste and a creamier final product.

Overhead image of whole in in a jar to be made into mayo

Essential Ingredients for the Perfect Blend

To make the best mayo, you need some key ingredients. These include:

  • Oil: Most people pick a neutral oil like vegetable, canola, or grapeseed. I prefer to use a high quality olive oil from a later pressing. This means it is not extra virgin olive oil. The late pressing oil is lighter in colour and more mild in taste. It will not go bitter when blending in mayo.
  • Whole Eggs: They add richness, stability, and color to your mayo.
  • Acid: Vinegar or lemon juice balance the flavors with a tangy taste. Pick what you like. I sometimes like to use both. I like a mix of the strength of the vinegar and the freshness of lemon juice.
  • Seasonings: Salt and mustard boost the flavor. Try herbs, spices, or garlic for something new.

You can make mayo just how you like it with these ingredients.

Step-by-Step Process to a Quick Blend (the more traditional method)

Here are the steps to make homemade mayo:

  1. Crack the whole eggs into a mixing bowl.
  2. Add vinegar or lemon juice, salt, and mustard.
  3. Mix with a whisk until well combined.
  4. Slowly add the oil while whisking. This mixes the oil well with other ingredients.
  5. Keep whisking until it’s as thick as you want.
  6. Taste and adjust the seasoning as you like.

That’s all! Enjoy your homemade mayonnaise. Keep it in a jar in the fridge for up to two weeks. It’s great for sandwiches, dressings, and dips. It adds a special touch to your cooking.

The Stick Blender Method to Make Mayo at Home

  1. Crack the egg into the hand blender jug.
  2. Follow that up with the Dijon mustard, white wine vinegar and/or lemon juice, salt and oil.
  3. Put the head of the stick blender to the bottom of the jug. Start blending, making sure the egg at the bottom gets blended first, then as that happens slowly pull up the stick blender. This ensures that the emulsifiers in the egg are brought up through the oil.
  4. Transfer to a jar or container of your choice to refrigerate. It will last up to 2 weeks.

Note: Use your stick blender on a low power setting if it has the option. If your mayo breaks (turns watery) then 99.9% of the time it’s because your stick blender is too powerful. This is one situation where having a low power cheap stick blender has an advantage.

Overhead shot of a stick blender going into mayo ingredients in a jug, about to be blended

The Role of Olive Oil in Your Homemade Mayonnaise

The type of oil you choose is key for tasty and healthy homemade mayo. Light (late pressing) olive oil is a great pick. It makes your spread creamy, flavourful, and good for you.

Olive oil is full of healthy fats that are good for your heart. These fats make your mayo smooth and creamy. You get a great taste too.

It also has antioxidants and stuff that fights inflammation. This is good for your heart and can lower disease risks. Using olive oil in your mayo adds these perks to your meals.

Making mayo with olive oil is easy. Mix it with eggs, vinegar or lemon juice, and a little mustard. This mix becomes a rich, creamy base you can add flavours to. Olive oil’s taste blends well with other ingredients. Your mayo will be healthier and tastier. Use it on sandwiches, as a dip, or in recipes. Olive oil mayo just makes your food better in my opinion.

Olive oil in stick blender jug with other ingredients, ready to be made into homemade mayo

Seasoning Your Mayo: Tips for Flavour Enhancements

You’ve got the hang of making homemade mayo. Now, let’s spice it up with some flavours. You can make it taste exactly how you want. Here are some easy ways to make your mayo even more delicious:

Incorporating Fresh Herbs and Spices

Fresh herbs and spices can really jazz up your mayo. They add freshness and complexity. Try mixing in herbs like basil, dill, or parsley. Or add spices like cayenne, paprika, or a bit of curry powder. Feel free to experiment with different tastes. My absolute favourite here is mixing in sriracha.

If you’re feeling more adventurous you can make Bloody Mary Mayo, Pesto Mayo, or Bone Marrow Mayo.

Adjusting Acidity with Citrus or Vinegar

The right amount of sourness can make your mayo taste perfect. There’s a really interesting relationship between fat and acid that is well-known to chefs; you’ll need the right amount of acid to ‘cut through’ the fat. Fat on its own is fairly flat in flavour, acid brings a brightness to fat.

Add some lemon juice or vinegar to adjust the acidity. Lemon juice makes it bright and zesty. White wine vinegar adds a subtle tartness. If you like it less sour, try apple cider or rice vinegar. Always add extra acid bit by bit and taste as you go.

With these tips, your homemade mayo will be even better. Try out different flavors and find your favourite mayo mix. Enjoy creating your unique mayo recipe.

SeasoningFlavour ProfileRecommended Ingredients
Herb-infused MayoFresh and aromaticChopped basil, dill, parsley
Spicy MayoFiery and boldCayenne pepper, paprika, curry powder, sriracha
Tangy MayoBright and zestyLemon juice, white wine vinegar
Mild MayoGentle and subtleApple cider vinegar, rice vinegar

Tools of the Trade: Best Utensils for Making Mayo

Having the right tools is key to making good homemade mayo. You could use just a bowl and a whisk. But, some utensils make the job easier and the mayo smoother. Let’s look at the food processor, immersion blender, and hand whisking.

Food Processor vs. Immersion Blender

Food processors and immersion blenders make mayo making faster. With a processor, just add ingredients and mix. It makes smooth mayo fast. Immersion (stick) blenders blend in the container, which means less clean-up. Both tools give great results for home cooks.

But, these tools might need some practice. You need to find the right speed and way to mix. This avoids mayo that’s too runny or broken. Trying them out will show you which tool you like more.

The Classic Approach: Whisking by Hand

If you like doing things the old-fashioned way, try whisking by hand. It uses a whisk and a bowl. You control the mixing, which can be rewarding. It takes more time than machines but lets you watch the mayo’s texture closely.

Whisking by hand is an art form. You must add oil to the egg mix very slowly. Keep a steady pace and watch the mayo thicken. With some practice, you’ll get the hang of it.

Many people don’t consider it mayo unless it’s made using the whisking method. I’m not of that opinion. During my short stints in kitchens I’ve seen both methods being used. Usually small ad-hoc batches are made using the whisk method but for larger prep jobs, the food processor or blender methods get used.

Addressing Common Mayo-Making Challenges

Making your own mayo is fun but you might hit some bumps. No need to stress. We have great tips and solutions for you to overcome these issues.

Fixing Broken Mayo: Sometimes your mayo might not mix well. It’s the strangest thing to experience; what should be thick and creamy mix turns watery – even more so than the oil that went into it.

If this happens, don’t worry. First, whisk a new egg yolk or a bit of mustard in another bowl. Then, slowly mix in the split mayo while you whisk hard. This should make your mayo smooth and mixed again.

Thickening Mayo: Want thicker mayo? Try a couple of tricks. You can mix in a little cornstarch or potato starch until it’s thick as you like. Or, add more oil bit by bit, whisking non-stop, until it’s just right. To be honest, if you use the stick blender method in my video and recipe below, you should be all good.

“Even the best chefs run into mayo problems. Don’t quit. Instead, look for ways to fix them that suit you.” – Chef Jamie Oliver

With these tips, you can keep enjoying making your own tasty mayo. Don’t let a runny or broken mayo get you down. Just be patient and use our advice. Soon, you’ll be great at making mayo.

Overhead shot of homemade mayo in a stick blender jug

Homemade Mayonnaise Without Mustard: Is It Possible?

It is indeed possible to make yummy homemade mayo without mustard. Let’s look into how mustard helps emulsification. We will find other ingredients that can give stability and flavour to your mayo.

Understanding the Role of Mustard in Emulsification

Mustard is key in making mayonnaise. It works as an emulsifier. This means it helps oil and vinegar mix well, creating a smooth mayo. Mustard also makes the mayo taste better.

Alternative Ingredients for Stability and Taste

If you don’t want to use mustard, no worries! The egg in the recipe will emulsify the mayo on its own. There are other ingredients you can use to replace the extra bit of flavour mustard brings:

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar: This can replace the acidic aspect of mustard. It adds sourness and helps mix the oil. This makes your mayo tangy and tasty.
  2. Yogurt: A spoonful of yogurt makes your mayo stable and creamy. It also adds a slight tang, much like mustard.
  3. Sour Cream: Sour cream gives a creamy feel and a soft tang to your mayo. It is a good mustard stand-in for taste and texture.
  4. Horseradish: Want some spice in your mayo? Horseradish is a great choice. It brings heat and a special taste to your mayo.

Try these alternatives to find what you like best for your mayo. You might end up loving a mayo recipe that doesn’t need mustard.

Discovering the Longevity: Shelf Life of Homemade Mayonnaise

Homemade mayonnaise is yummy and makes sandwiches, salads, and dips creamy. But how long can mayo last? Knowing how to keep homemade mayo fresh and safe is key.

Homemade mayonnaise doesn’t last as long as the store-bought kind. This is because it doesn’t have preservatives. It relies on fresh ingredients instead.

Proper storage is very important for homemade mayonnaise. This helps it stay good and avoids sickness. Here are some tips:

  1. Keep it cold: Always store homemade mayo in the fridge. Cold slows down germs, keeping the mayo fresh.
  2. Use a clean, sealed container: Put your mayo in a clean, tight container before chilling. This keeps it safe and tasty.
  3. Watch the expiration dates: The shelf life of homemade mayo depends on the ingredients’ expiry dates. Mayo with fresh eggs can last up to two weeks. With pasteurised eggs, it can reach three weeks. Again, this very much depends on the shelf life of the eggs that went in.
  4. Look for spoilage signs: Even stored right, homemade mayo can go bad. If it smells weird, looks strange, or has mold, throw it out.

By sticking to these storage tips, you can enjoy homemade mayonnaise longer while staying safe. Still, always trust your senses to check if the food is still good.

Overhead shot of homemade mayo being blended with a stick blender

Homemade Mayonnaise and Health: A Nutritional Perspective

Homemade mayonnaise is not just tasty. It’s also healthy. Let’s look at its good points.

Analyzing the Healthy Fats in Olive Oil

Olive oil is full of good fats. These fats are great for our health. They help our hearts, fight diseases, and make our brains work better.

Making mayo with olive oil is a smart choice. It gives us a healthy spread that is good for us.

Comparative Analysis: Store-Bought vs. Homemade Mayo

Store-bought and homemade mayonnaise are quite different. Store-bought ones often have bad fats and chemicals. Homemade mayo lets you pick what goes in it.

Let’s look at what’s in both types of mayo:

NutrientsStore-Bought MayoHomemade Mayo
Healthy FatsHigh in potentially low quality fatsRich in healthy fats from olive oil
Additives/PreservativesMay contain artificial additives and preservativesDoes not contain artificial additives or preservatives
Sodium ContentMay be high in sodiumCan be adjusted to individual preference
CustomizationLimited customization optionsEndless possibilities to personalize the flavor

Homemade mayo is a better choice. It’s made with olive oil’s healthy fats. And it doesn’t have bad additives or preservatives. You also get to make it taste just how you like.

Choosing homemade mayonnaise means choosing health. You get a yummy and healthy spread without bad ingredients.

Versatility in the Kitchen: Beyond Sandwich Spreads

Homemade mayonnaise is more than just for sandwiches. It can make many dishes tasty. With its creaminess, mayo makes meals delicious.

Use mayo to make your favorite dips and dressings. It makes salads and veggie dips creamy and tasty. The smoothness and tanginess of mayo make food taste better.

Mayo can turn into amazing sauces too. Mix it with herbs, spices, and lemon for a great aioli. It’s perfect with seafood, grilled veggies, or fries.

Mayo can also improve baked goods. It makes cakes, muffins, and biscuits moist and rich. Try using mayo instead of butter or oil for a surprising taste.

Mayo works great as a binder or coating for meats and fish. It keeps them moist and flavorsome. Use it for meatballs, crab cakes, or breaded chicken.

Clearly, mayo is not just a sandwich spread. It makes many recipes better with its creaminess and tang. So, try using mayo in new ways in your kitchen.

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Olive Oil Homemade Mayonnaise

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  • Total Time: 3 minutes


Units Scale
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp dijon mustard (optional)
  • 1 tbsp white wine vinegar or lemon juice
  • 1 clove garlic (optional)
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 175ml olive oil


  1. Crack the egg into the hand blender jug.
  2. Follow that up with the Dijon mustard, white wine vinegar and/or lemon juice, salt and oil.
  3. Put the head of the stick blender to the bottom of the jug. Start blending, making sure the egg at the bottom gets blended first, then as that happens slowly pull up the stick blender. This ensures that the emulsifiers in the egg are brought up through the oil.
  4. Transfer to a jar or container of your choice to refrigerate. It will last up to 2 weeks.


  • Use your stick blender on a low power setting if it has the option. If your mayo breaks (turns watery) then 99.9% of the time it’s because your stick blender is too powerful. This is one situation where having a low power cheap stick blender has an advantage.
  • Author: Russell Clamp
  • Prep Time: 2 minutes
  • Cook Time: 1 minute


Making your own mayo is great. You get a healthier spread than what you buy. You can pick fresh, quality stuff for your mayo.

Homemade mayo can do a lot. It makes sandwiches and burgers better. You can also make dressings, dips, and sauces with it. It’s creamy and tasty.

So, making your own mayo is worth it. Use whole eggs, top-notch olive oil, and your favorite spices. Don’t go for store-bought. Try making it yourself. Enjoy the unique taste and texture!


How can I make homemade mayonnaise?

Making homemade mayonnaise is easy. You need whole eggs, vinegar or lemon juice, and salt. Mustard is optional. Mix the eggs, vinegar or lemon juice, mustard (if you want), and salt in a blender. As you blend, pour the oil in slowly until it thickens. Now you have tasty mayo!

Can I make mayonnaise without mustard?

Yes, you can skip mustard in your homemade mayonnaise. Mustard helps mix the ingredients, but it’s not a must since the emulsifiers in the egg will take care of that.

How long does homemade mayonnaise last?

Homemade mayonnaise can last 3 to 3 weeks in the fridge. The life span depends on how fresh your ingredients are. To keep your mayo fresh, store it in a tight container in the fridge.

What are the health benefits of homemade mayonnaise?

Making mayonnaise with olive oil is healthy. Olive oil has good fats that lower bad cholesterol and help your heart. It also has antioxidants and fights inflammation. By making mayo at home, you pick healthy ingredients and avoid bad additives.

How can I fix broken homemade mayonnaise?

If your mayo separates, don’t worry, you can fix it. Start with a new egg yolk and a tablespoon of lukewarm water. Slowly whisk in the separated mayo. Adding oil slowly and steadily as you blend prevents separation.

What can I use homemade mayonnaise for besides sandwiches?

Homemade mayonnaise is great for more than just sandwiches. Use it in creamy dressings, sauces like tartar sauce and aioli. Add it to potato or pasta salads, use as a dip, or even in baking to add moisture.

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