Hey, it’s Russell here (creator of Eat Like An Adult):
Really happy that you’ve stopped by.
Where it all started
2004, when I ate nothing for a week…
I was in Koh Samui, Thailand for a detox retreat. There to fast for 7 days, to see if it would help me clear up my acne.
It worked.
Whilst there I discovered a specific way of eating called the raw food diet. It was wonderful. It helped me clear my skin even further.
I found I could be really creative with raw food, so I started a blog and website called The Raw Chef, teaching others how to bring raw food into their lives.
I fell in love with it so much that for the best part of 15+ years teaching raw food has been my whole life.
Over the years I found myself drifting away from eating so much raw food personally. I think my body started to want something else, but I didn’t know what or why.
I’d relied on the rules of raw food for so long that I think it took me away from listening to my body.
I started eating all sorts of foods.
Not all of them were great.
I think there was an aspect of me that wanted to rebel against the rules.
By 2018 I’d cultivated early signs of a ‘dad bod’.
And I’d managed it without having kids.
I’d already started thinking about this idea of eating simply, with real, whole, nutrient-dense foods.
I heard the phrase ‘eat like an adult’ on a podcast once and liked it.
I bought eatlikeanadult.com (the website you’re on right now).
What happened next changed my life again.
I signed up for a 90 day body transformation with a personal trainer. It turned into 4 months of training, because I was enjoying it so much.
Here are my before and after photos:

Part of the transformation was to do a photoshoot at the end. It’s never something I thought I’d do..

No Photoshop, just a little fake tan and baby oil 🙂
How did I do it?
A wide variety of wholefoods and working out 3x per week.
Weight lifting only. No cardio.
I hesitate to post these images, because I’m wary of adding to the idea that it’s what you look like that matters.
It’s much more about how you feel.
Feeling energetic and strong is so important to me now.
Although I did focus on calories and macronutrients (fats, carbs & protein) I’m much more interested in taking care of my microbiome with food.
Watch this video with Tim Spectre. He explains why some diets work for some people and others don’t. It’s all down to the microbiome, which is more individual than our DNA.
So you can forget about those DNA inspired diets too.
Check it out..
I wouldn’t give up my weight sessions in the gym for anything now. It takes zero motivation or discipline to go 3 to 4 times a week. It certainly wasn’t always like that – I’ve had more unused gym memberships than anyone I know.
And I enjoy being more connected to my body.
I also have to say I enjoy the freedom I have in the kitchen now too.
I still love raw food – but now as part of what I do, not everything I do.
So 15 years after finding a way to heal my skin with food, I’m at a really good place.
I’ve moved away from the strict rules and diets with names, to a place that feels like I’m nourishing myself.
I’ve noticed that people tend to get stuck in a rut with food, making the same thing over and over. This tends to lead to boredom.
Or they get frustrated trying to follow the self imposed rules of a particular diet.
I’ve started doing livestreams on Facebook & Youtube. I’ll be showing you how to make this type of nutrient dense food from real ingredients.
If you’d like to be notified, make sure you Like the Facebook Page and/or subscribe on Youtube.
If you’d like to receive free recipes from me, I’d recommend joining my Recipe of the Week Club.